Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Ball is a Bust

We here at Snarkaholism are saddened to report the Snooki Ball Drop will not occur in Times Square this New Year’s Eve.

You’re probably sitting there, either in the gym or your tanning bed, crying your eyes out. Sad, isn’t it?

For those of you not hip to the Jersey Shore scene, MTV was planning to load Snooki up into a glass ball and launch her into space and, uh, drop her in Times Square during the NYE countdown. But the city of New York squashed those plans (those haters!) and claimed the only ball dropping in Times Square was the official one (whatever that means).

But don’t start canceling your tanning appointments just yet! Apparently Snooki is taking her bump, boobs, and ball to Seaside Heights, New Jersey, which is where the The Snooki Ball will be now dropped at the stroke of midnight. So if you’re in the New York area, run over those unplowed, snow-packed streets to the shore of Jersey to see Snooki and all of her little friends (with the exception of The Situation, who will be too busy admiring his abs to participate).

I can still hear my mom yelling, “Who in the hell names their kid The Situation??? Is this a joke??”

If you can’t make to The Snooki Ball drop in Jersey, don’t despair. Rumor has it that in Times Square on New Year’s Eve, people are going to attempt a Guinness World Record by having the most folks fist pump . . . or, bump . . . errr, whatever, at once.

*Hey, at Snarkaholism we want to wish you all a safe New Year's and a happy 2011. We look forward to even MORE snark in 2011!!!*


  1. For the life of me I can't understand why people watch this crap!

  2. I'm not a Jersey Shore fan whatsoever . . . I actually heard the "news" on CNN this morning.
