Saturday, December 18, 2010


Well, so much for me being able to use the gay excuse if we ever have another draft.

But, seriously.  It's about f#(king time.  The military's long-standing Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy on gays and lesbians serving our country in the military has been overturned.  

Here's the thing - if someone has the courage to devote a portion of his or her life (with the possibility of dying) to our country, who cares who that person finds attractive?  I've heard the arguments; "They'll look at me in *that* way."  Stop kidding yourself.  It's always the people who use that excuse who could only hope that someone was looking at him.  In all honesty, those who use that argument are probably hoping some dude is looking at him in the shower (think Leslie Graham in camo).

People wonder why gay bullying has become such a problem in our country.  Well, first of all, it hasn't just become a problem - it has been happening for decades.  Secondly, with the messages that we hear from Fox News and it's followers (you know, like a cult) and comparable "sources," is it any wonder that many of our youth are confused?  How can we expect our youth to be respectful when a large portion of our population spews hatred and intolerance under the guise of "American Values" and "God?"

I grew up Lutheran (ELCA) and we actually learned in Catechism that a certain percentage of people are born gay, and those people are still God's children and deserve the same respect.  God doesn't hate.  Period.

Finally, all of God's children are free to serve our great country if they so choose (and have the courage - the type of courage I will never know).

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