Friday, December 10, 2010

The One Where Sarah and Kate Become BFFs

Sarah Palin works very hard.  Why shouldn't she after quitting her governor's gig to make a reported $1 million for eight episodes of her propaga, er, "reality" show (not to mention appearance fees)?  She's the typical, everyday, American woman.  That's what many of her supporters argue, citing her "American values" and "next-door appeal" as reasons she's so darn likable.  Well, that and the fact that she's making a reported $1 million for eight episodes of her propaga, er, "reality" show.  How typical is that? 

Wake up Palinites.  During a time in our country when typical people are struggling to make ends meet because of lost jobs, cut hours, and an overall economic crisis, Palin is doing just fine - better than fine, and she really doesn't care how you're doing.  As long as you continue to pay your cable bill so you can tune into her cariboucrap every week so her contract is extended.

Then she goes camping with Kate + Eight.  OOOOOHHHHHH!  Ratings gold.  Better tune in to watch Aunt Sarah teach the kiddies about living off the fruit of the land so they can all have food for the winter.  AND PEOPLE WATCH THIS!   Ok, they don't just watch it, they coo and caa over these shenanagins and, in their minds, it just validates the fact that Sarah and Kate are just "normal people."

Sarah, Kate, and the masterminds of both shows at TLC should be ashamed of themselves.  If Sarah and Kate want to go romp in the woods alone for a weekend, that's fine, but leave the kids out of it.  It really comes down to using the kids for ratings and cold, hard cash.  That, my friends, is exploitation.  But apparently it's justified (even celebrated) because they're just typical Americans.

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