Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Define "fascinating."

I just saw a preview for Barbara Walter's "Most Fascinating People of 2010" interview special - the cast of Jersey Shore made the cut.

Really, Babs?  How are these morons fascinating?  Are you so disconnected from reality that you actually think these d-bags are even slightly interesting? 

As a self-described "reality" television junkie I can honestly admit I've not tuned in to watch these overly tanned, obnoxious pea brains make fools of themselves once - for good reason.  I don't think they're entertaining.  Snookie did community service by signing autographs (with a stash of pickles within easy reach) and we're supposed to commend her.  Good job, Snooks - you're classy.  As for the rest of the posse - don't let the attention (there's a reason I chose not to use the word fame) go to your heads.  There will be only so many autographs you're going to be asked to sign while working the counter at Gino's Pizza while Ol' Babs interviews 2011's batch of "fascinating" people.

On a positive note - Oprah also made the list.  Like there's anything about her that we don't already know.

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