Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hallmark and Codependence

I love going into a Hallmark store - sometimes it's fun to see what people who actually remember to send cards buy. I came to the conclusion that, because of Hallmark, Americans need to constantly be involved in a romantic relationship to validate their self-worths. Seriously. I was too busy throwing up all over the scrapbook supplies to remember exactly what some of the cards said, but here's a summary of some of the cards I read:

1. My most loving wonder of wonder, miracle of miracles, my life was absolute shit before I went to that bar, got drunk, and slept with you. Now that I'm pregnant and you can't afford child support you're stuck, and I've never been more happy!

2. I was on my way to the Amtrak station to get hit by a train when you whistled, yelled "nice tits," then said something about "getting on that." I'm so glad you came into my life. You are my soul.

3. Darling, now that God has shown me the way to you, He will never let you escape. I'm not kidding. Well, until I get bored with you.

4. You make life worth living. Before I met you my self-esteem was way low, I hated every aspect of myself, and my family was starting to tell me they were worried. Now, because you said you love me, I know I'm at least adequate and sometimes fun to be around!

Yeah, you get the idea. Don't get me wrong, I'm a hopeless romantic, but seriously people, there is life before love, and no matter how true it may seem, it is possible to continue to breathe without being a "we." I can't wait to find that person I want to spend the rest of my life with, but in the meantime, I'm having a great time discovering who I am as a "me."


  1. So true, Samm! So many people see finding "the one" as the end-all, be-all. That is what will make them complete. How sad! I'm a hopeless romantic too, but the reality is that we, ourselves, are the ones we have to be happy with. Love the article. Great job!

  2. Where can I buy these cards? MLM
